Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Write your story

This story will tell you about one very usual and in the same time unusual person. Once upon a time there was a human. Man or woman, it doesn’t matter now. What matters is who he was and what he did. Let's call this person "Shadow."

Shadow was born in the most usual family, grew up like all other children, sometimes delighted parents, sometimes upset. He went to school, study was easy for him but because of laziness he studied not so much good. Shadow woke up hard in the mornings, didn’t want to do homework at evenings. His real happy life was just in weekends. Same like this going 11 long years.

After he started study at the University because it was necessary for society and not because he wanted do it. May be he can be a perfect farmer or carpenter but he couldn’t think about this, it`s not “prestigious” specialty. And again his life was just at weekend. 5 years finished. Finally. He was immensely happy. What's next? Finally he will start perfect free happy life?

No, he won`t. According to the plan of society, he must to find a job. He did it too. He found job with normal salary, it was enough for food, pay rent house and 1 time in a week go to the cinema. He had dreams about other life but never change something. He always was afraid of condemnation.

And he married when society considered it necessary, had 2 children and a cat, and worked until retirement. He lived his whole life as society wanted, was never happy. Old he looked at his life and roared. After all, only in retirement, he realized that your life is only your decision and should not depend on society. But life has already passed, it cannot be returned.

So let`s back to the name of this person. Come to the mirror and look at yourself if this story isn`t about a human who you see now in the reflection of the mirror then you are really lucky. But if you recognize this character in the mirror, then I have bad news for you...