Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Control as administrative process



The administrative process is considered as part of the state's management activities. At the same time, it is a completely independent legal phenomenon, characterized by a certain purpose, having its own specifics, forms and methods of implementation on the basis of the relevant legal rules.

The administrative and managerial process is naturally and inevitably based on the principles underlying public administration.

The principle of legality is not only the requirement of strict and proper implementation of laws and other legal acts based on them, but also the proper application of these acts.

The principle of protecting the interests of the state and the individual in the administrative process is primarily directed against various manifestations of formalism in the consideration of administrative cases.

The principle of transparency of the process involves familiarizing the general public with the solution of certain issues that are within the competence of the relevant state bodies.

The current legislation also establishes the principle of responsibility of officials and employees for improper conduct of the process, which assumes that officials guilty of violating the rules of the process or taking an illegal act are subject to disciplinary or other responsibility.

The administrative process is the activity individually resolution of specific cases in the field of public administration by authorized agents of the administrative procedure or set of relations of production: the citizens; for praise; in cases of misconduct; the procedure for the adoption of legal acts of public administration. These include the production of cases of administrative offenses.

It is quite clear that there is an administrative management process, which should be understood as: the established procedure for the activities of its participants in resolving individual specific cases in the field of public administration, including on citizens ' appeals, on incentives, on disciplinary offenses, on the procedure for adopting legal management acts.

The administrative and managerial process ensures compliance with the relevant rules of conduct, that is, law enforcement, and this is done by the subjects of the executive power.


In carrying out state management activities, the relevant executive bodies perform administrative and procedural actions of a law enforcement and law enforcement nature, that is, they implement the dispositions and sanctions of administrative and legal norms.

Management decision-making processes in the public administration system are very complex and diverse in their semantics. They require, in general, strengthening the system of public administration, its scientific equipment in connection with practical reality.


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