Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

The consumer behavior of two people from different generations

For the older generation the trip to the store is, first and foremost, the purchase of commodities. It is also important that the purchase could be done nearby. They prefer the shops near the house. This generation is willing to spend more money on their convenience, the opportunity to purchase many different good quality goods in one place, making it very fast and save time.

For the middle generation values: optimism, interest in stability and material well-being, at the same time, collectivism and team spirit, friendship, honesty, self-confidence, caution and the cult of youth. For them, the shop is the place of purchase. A visit to the store is more of a need than a journey. The main goal of the process is the product itself. If members of this generation are in need of certain goods and services, they will actively look for even if the product is in the store, which is located on the other side of town.

For the most part, today's youth increasingly characteristic of consumer behavior patterns inherent in Western values and way of life (individualism, the desire for luxury, pragmatism), which is actively formed by mass media propaganda: television, advertising, and other media. At the same time, these consumer behaviors are condemned by the older generation, is their active protest.

For the younger generation, it is important that the food was tasty and, most importantly, useful. They believe proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Studying the packaging, they pay attention to the percentage of fat, vitamins and minerals, energy value of the product.