Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Would you like to live in a smart home? Why or why not?

Every day some new conveniences appear. People can’t imagine life without them. One of such modern technologies is a smart home.

A smart home is modern house or flat with lots of digital apps, technologies, conveniences. You can rule all equipments in a distance. For example, you can fix time when your coffee machine must make you coffee and do it lying on the sofa with a Smartphone. Almost all technologies can be managed by voice. In other words everything has become as easy as possible. You don’t need to waste your time or energy. But there are both pros and cons of living in a smart home.

Of course, there are many positive sides of a smart home. You can save your time and power. You can have clean house without doing almost anything, just buying robot vacuum cleaner, fix the regime and time of cleaning. Then you can do many things lying on a bed or sitting on a sofa, for instance, turning on and off the light, TV-set, coffee machine, loudspeakers, air conditioner and so on. A smart home makes your life easier and more comfortable.

But don’t forget about cons. When person has so many smart technologies, it leads to reducing his or her physical activity. Simply saying, people become lazier and it cause some problems with health. But there is one more negative effect of a smart home or new technologies. It is total control. Through all these gadgets people can be eavesdropped. Not many people muses about how these devices react to our voices. It means that they should always listen to us, all day long. On the one hand, all technologies give us freedom and, on the other hand, they controlled us.

As for me, I prefer to live in a simply home without a lot of modern equipment, which can ruin my freedom, where someone can eavesdrop or pry into my life. Be careful living in a smart home.